Sunday, May 16, 2010

All we are...

...Here I am, broken wings, quiet thoughts, unspoken dreams...
What is the point of our existance if we never ever get to live the way we want? What is the point of trying about anything when all you want is that something you can never try for?
There's a point in our lives when we all should have stood up and step our feet down demanding and fighting and debating, and more, for what we want. I feel so envy of people who manage to do so. And so sorry for the ones who, just like me, have failed in that.What happens when that point in our lives was some years ago but we only got the wisdom to realize that now? Is it too late? We certainly can't turn back time, but can we make the time to act in ways that may give us our lives back?
Who knows, really? The least we can do is try! We owe this to ourselves. We owe this to the person we locked inside and completely forgot about it some years ago. Because this is what happens when you kick, the chance to do what you really want, away. It's like opening a heavy door of steel inside your soul and locking your wills in there forever. What we tend to forget is that we still have the key to that door! We just need to remember where we've put it and then, after unlocking the door, try really hard to push it open, as it's very likely that after spending some time in that dungeon we probably have lost some of our power. But then again, strength is something we can re-gain with training. No matter how hard it may be, it's always worth the effort. Just stop wishing for it and start working for it!
Do what you want in life...have no regrets...'cause all in all...
All we dust in the wind...